Join OPCC’s Vibrant Alumni Association
At the Ontario Psychotherapy and Counselling College (OPCC), our vibrant Alumni Association plays a pivotal role in fostering a supportive and dynamic community of learners.
Our alumni are not just graduates; they are lifelong members of the OPCC family, contributing to the ongoing growth and development of the college and its students.
Connect with the Alumni Association
Some of the wonderful faces from our OPC Alumni Picnic this past weekend. It was really great to see grads from across the decades connect over our shared passion; psychotherapy. Thank you to our gracious host Tasha. Have a restful summer everyone! #alumni #psychotherapists @opcprogram

Thank you 2023-2024 OPC Alumni Association Exec for all your hard work this year! Heartfelt thanks to our Chair, Tasha, and Vice Chair, Carolyn, who are stepping down this year after many years of service. We are grateful for all you have done for our community. Looking forward to another great year in 2024-2025! #alumni #psychotherapy @opcprogram

Gosh this looks fun! WIsh I could`ve been there! Well you can this year! Evites have been sent to your email address. Our annual picnic happens this coming Saturday, June 8th 1-4 pm at a private midtown house. RSVP via Evite to let us know you can be there.

Congratulations and welcome to all our 2023-2024 grads! Your alumni welcomes you all with open arms and we are thrilled to come alongside you on the road ahead. #grads #alumni #community

Save the date for our last OPC Alumni Association event of the year: our Annual Summer Picnic. Check your email in mid-May for an Evite invitation with specific details (location, etc.). Looking forward to connecting with all of our grads at this in-person social event. #summerlovin #summerdreamin #summertime #summervibes

Sharing on behalf of two of our alumni:
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a 9-hour certification training program from the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC). It is part of The National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. Highly praised, it is the only mental health course that is being delivered in 25 countries around the world.
MHFA in-person is offered at the Port Credit Memorial Arena, Mississauga on February 24, or May 25 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm EST. It is facilitated by Brenda D’Orazio ($300+ HST= $339). The fee includes lunch.
MHFA virtual takes place via Zoom and is facilitated by Registered Psychotherapists (Qualifying) Kimeiko Hotta Dover and Brenda D’Orazio on February 25 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm EST ($250 + HST = $282.50).
* Please note classes require a minimum of 8 participants or they will be rescheduled
* After granting access to the online course materials, no refunds can be issued
The course fee includes access to the online self-guided Module 1 course materials including the Mental Health First Aid resource guide. For detailed course information, visit Mental Health First Aid Course.
To secure your spot and gain access to the online materials, please complete the registration form at MHFA Registration and e-transfer your payment of $339 to (in-person classes) or (online class).
Can`t make the scheduled dates? Write to us to request a private course for your workplace or community.
#MentalHealthFirstAid #PortCredit #PortCreditCourse #MHFA #MississaugaMentalHealthCourse #BrendaDOrazioTherapy #KimeikoTherapy #onlinecourse #MentalHealth #MentalHealthSupport #FirstAid #MentalHealthFirstAider #OnlineMHFA #Training #MentalHealthCommissionCanada #MHCC #OpeningMinds

The OPC Alumni Association is pleased to offer our annual 5th Year Chat to OPC students in their final year of the program. This is a mentoring initiative to help answer questions about life after graduation (CRPO registration, private and group practice startup, etc.). Students will be emailed a ZOOM link directly. Please encourage the final-year students you know to attend. #futuregrads #alumni #mentorship @opcprogram

Hello everyone! We have cancelled our January event so we can focus our energy on the remaining events of the year. Fun ideas coming for next year as well. Hope you are all staying warm. xo Your OPC Alumni Association Executive @opcprogram #alumni #events #professionaldevelopment #lifelonglearning

Looking forward to our Perfectionism: Best Practices Carousel Virtual Workshop on Saturday, November 25th from 10-11 am. PWYC. Evite and Zoom link to come. #perfectionism #psychotherapy #pyschodynamic #alumni #workshop #professionaldevelopment

The OPC Alumni Association is excited to share details of our next workshop offering: Psychodrama – Timelines, Letters and Roleplay with Trevor Birrell, RP. Join us *in-person* on Oct 28th 10 am-12 pm *PLEASE NOTE: PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVITATION EMAIL TO REGISTER VIA EVITE. SHOULD THERE BE MORE THAN 10 REGISTRANTS, THE EVENT WILL BE TRANSITIONED TO A VIRTUAL OFFERING VIA ZOOM* #psychodrama #opc #alumni #professionaldevelopment @opcprogram