Open Houses and Complimentary Lecture Invitations at OPC College

At OPC College, we believe in providing prospective students with the opportunity to experience our unique learning environment firsthand.

Throughout the year, we host Open Houses and complimentary lectures/workshops designed to introduce you to our College and the many benefits of becoming a part of our community.

Upcoming Open House Dates

Monday, September 30th from 6-8pm
Monday, December 9th from 6-8pm
Monday, March 24th from 6-8pm

Open Houses and Complimentary Lectures

What Our Open Houses Offer

Discover Our Programs

During our Open Houses, you’ll have the chance to learn about the College and the psychotherapy training we offer, including detailed information about the curriculum, practicum opportunities, and career pathways. Our faculty members will be available to discuss the specifics of our approach to training in psychodynamic psychotherapy, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of what to expect.

Meet Our Faculty and Students

One of the highlights of our Open Houses and complimentary lectures/workshops is the opportunity to meet our dedicated faculty and current students. You can engage in meaningful conversations, ask questions, and gain insights into the day-to-day life at OPC College. Hearing firsthand experiences from our students and faculty will provide you with a clearer picture of the supportive and enriching environment we foster.

Learn About Financial Aid and Admissions

OPC College is in the process of seeking OSAP approval
Our admissions team will be on hand to provide information about the application process, tuition fees, and updates on the status of OSAP availability. They will guide you through the steps needed to apply and answer any questions you may have about financing your education.

Experience Our Community

Attending an Open House and a complimentary lecture at OPC College allows you to experience the vibrant and inclusive community we are so proud of. We believe that a diverse learning environment enriches the educational experience, and we are committed to creating a space where all students feel valued and supported.

Benefits of Attending

By attending an Open House and/or a complimentary lecture, you’ll not only gain valuable information about our programs but also get a feel for the welcoming atmosphere that defines OPC College. You’ll leave with a better understanding of how our college can help you achieve your academic and professional goals.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Join us at one of our Open Houses and showing you why OPC College is the right choice for your education and future career. For more information and to register for an upcoming Open House or complimentary lecture, please contact us.